Friday, December 21, 2007

Mama Spears

In case you missed the memo teenage parents are the "it" thing this day in age. I didn't believe it at first. "Its just another Miley Cyrus" I said to myself. I then whipped up my handy dandy Google search engine and googled away, and voila maybe it was true. Then I said to myself..

"self.. what if this is just a really cool way of drawing attention away from Britney?"

I really hope for the sake of fetus's that the above thought will be true. But that would be all to wonderful wouldn't it?

Im not saying its not possible for this to be true. Lets phase it that family is a trainwreck from hell, anything goes. I find it really interesting to know that a family that is already messed up and has enough problems as it is.. would sell the story to OK! magazine with one command of leaving Britney out of the entire aritcle... hmm.

Since I am sesawing between which is truth and which is not.. I leave this open for change of ideas.

I am really sick of hearing about the Spears family. What ever happened to the Osbournes?

Zoey 101? Prego 101.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Illegal Immigrants

"They do the jobs we don't want to do."

That is the only damn excuse I ever get when someone defends an illegal. Its annoying, stupid, and half baked. Supposedly this is suppose to make them look good. I have no respect for any of you. They have hard times in the economy, its not fair. Go take a long walk on a short cliff you moron. My ancestors came here when there was hardships in Lithuania and Ireland, and they came in the LEGAL WAY, and worked just as hard as those illegals. They are ILLEGAL, what part of ILLEGAL is there not to understand?!

According to the Websters Pocket Dictionary of the English Language 2000 Edition the definition for illegal is

illegal adj. - Contrary to the law, not legal.

In an article written by Jennifer Nelson she had quoted Albert Najera, a Sacramento police chief saying "To simply say these people are 'illegal' and wait for the Feds to do something is hurtful, wasteful and divisive."

Wanna know what else is hurtful? Try the tax payers wallets. This country literally pays for people to be illegal whether we like it or not. However, I must give credit to the some illegals that put their illegal children through a public school. We all know every public school is funded by a tax payment complements of the state. If there are(this is just an example) 1,000 kids enlisted in the school 500 of which are legal, and 500 that are not. Only 500 kids are being payed for. Of course we can jack taxes up for the illegals yet we have a difficult time funding our own legal citizen kids.

You know.. all these expenses remind me of babies.

  1. Both are expensive as all hell.
  2. Both of them constantly whine, cry, and moan over everything.
  3. They don't speak English. (But our kids will learn it eventually!)
  4. They both need people to take care of their crap. ( Diapers need to be changed, and big business heads need to keep them off the radar.)
  5. They both like to crawl over and under things.
  6. They always get past the fences.
  7. They both have got to have it their way.
  8. Neither of them can be held responsible for any illegal actions they may take. God forbid if your 3 year old kid gets behind the wheel and crashes the car..neither of them can be arrested for not having a license!

and that is all i have to say.

Friday, November 30, 2007

First Solo Driving Trip

I have my license, just the thing every teenager wants. I was a bit hesitant of driving the first time all by myself so I took the safe approach... grip that wheel with both hands and don't touch the radio. 15 Min's. into the drive I was feeling a bit better, naturally I start to multitask with the radio, pick a tone, and groove. Just as I did that I realized I was going 65mph on a 55mph highway and then remembered I am a teenager. With a whole new ball park of rules to abide by.

JOL (Junior Operators License) rules that I am to abide passengers besides immediate family members or someone 21 years or older who has had their license for one year, for the first 6 months of driving. I don't argue on this one, I agree. Whether my fellow teens agree or not, most of us need this.

2. No driving between 12am-5pm without guardian(21 years or older with license for one year or more)

3. You speed, kiss your license goodbye for 90 days and enjoy that $500 reinstatement fee. That's just the first offense.

I question this one.
Before I get some parental speech about how I don't know it all, shut up. I am fully aware that I am inexperienced and that having my license is a privilege, not a right.

This rule applies up until the age of 18. When you speed at that age you get three times to try at getting a speeding ticket. Point of the 6 month rule? To get used to driving by our self, maybe get more skills as a driver, and not be distracted by our friends. That's a legit reason. How are we suppose to achieve experience when we get our licenses taken away for 90 days? I don't see the 18 year old getting theirs suspended for the first time. It makes me a bit mad to know that someone going 30mph over the speed limit will have a better chance at being a survivor after one ticket, than me who is just going 10mph over. I feel a bold moment coming on.

Just thinking about that led me to this, maybe I'm completely wrong, but it sounds like a pretty nifty idea to me.

We are kids. We don't listen, we know it all, with an end result of us being more rebellious. From my own knowledge I know for a fact there are kids who drive 45+ over the speed limit, just because they know they shouldn't(not like this doesn't apply to everyone else). Notice how our(teenagers) fines are $500 on the first offense? 9 times out of 10 a kids parent is going to pay for it, not us. That makes the cash flow much more heavy for the state, just what they want. Lets say out of 100 people, 50 of them under JOL, 50 of them 18+. 40 of the JOL receive their first offense for speeding, and 40 receive their fee for 3 speeding tickets.

Lets do the math.
JOL - 40 x 500 = $2o,000
Non JOL- 40 x 100 = $4,000

In conclusion, the supposed experienced drivers only have to pay a fine of $4000(this is just the state fee, not insurance) after three tries and the inexperienced get $20,000 for first offense. They say the system is screwed, but kudos to the system for coming up with a clever way of getting the most..and by most i mean $$$.. out of our youth<3 No wonder parents say they cant wait till we hit 18, they dont have to pay for jack shit!