Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael Jackson.

Odd post I guess you are assuming. The whole idea originally of my blog was just for general ranting of all subjects, but due to the fact that I am a Political Science major in college, its hard to not stray from my political understandings.

You are probably thinking, my God, she is saying happy birthday to a child molester. Well truth is. I really don't believe Michael Jackson was a child molester, or hurt any child. If I have empathy for any man on this planet, it is him. He topped success with music, fashion, music videos, etc etc. But going over his life, how can you NOT wonder what it is like. I believe Michael Jackson to be one of the most genuine people this world has ever seen.

You can not deny his heart of gold.

Many people to community service, and really put effort into it. And people who do it not for attention and because they truly care about people you don't know, well your in a league of your own.
I'm one of those people that believe yes, life is indeed hard, but I believe in walking through it anyways. To feel lonely, in my opinion has to be one of the hardest things in the world. For ANYBODY.

It angers me that the doctors that were suppose to care for him did nothing but destroy him. I hope their selfish acts get justice. That does not mean I give the green light on Jacksons drug abuse, of course it was bad, he had children. Im sure he worried about it, but if I was him I wouldn't trust anybody either. Michael Jackson was a junkie. I wish nothing but the best for his children. I hope the road that will be rocky will turn out smooth.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What is this 'V' for Vendetta?

This new government never ceases to amaze me. A majority of you voted for a President who based his whole campaign off of the word "change", now let me ask you... did you ever ask him what he meant by "change" ? Basically anything that is not a Bush administration, right?

Well I suggest the majority of people in the United States of America spend more time being informed than opinionated. President Obama and his liberal pals have taken the constitution and turned it in to toilet paper.

I'm sorry did that phrase just offend you? Aw.

President Obama has come up with a lot of nifty ideas. Such as health care reform, fixing the deficit, bailing out businesses then taking control over them..

let me translate that for you.

Health care reform? Is a joke. THERE IS NO NEED TO HAVE A GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE PROGRAM ESPECIALLY ONE THAT OBAMA GIVES THE CONTROLLER THE TITLE OF 'CZAR'. Just in case you never opened your history book in high school, A Csar/Tzar/Czar is monarchy, government control. And something tells me that if this country wanted to live that way WE NEVER WOULD HAVE THROWN ALL THAT TEA INTO BOSTON HARBOR.

There is no need for this bullsh*t. Not one U.S Citizen .. you can throw illegals in their too can be denied emergency room access in any hospital in the nation.

And I don't want to hurt your feelings but nobody has a right to health insurance. I don't recall seeing it in the constitution. You have a right to bare arms, speach, and religion. Things like your license, and health care are a privilege.

Every country has debt. Its just a fact. But politicians like pork, and liberals love the prime rib. Your tax paying dollars are now going towards silly and not needed projects such as these:

Bailing out buisnesses:
First off, when a company royally f*cks up, its their fault. Car companies is obviously the prime topic of this issue. People werent buying cars.. so they made MORE cars? Companies should learn to make like captains and sink with their ship. Second off; giving the government power to own, fiance or control a buisness is either socialisim or communisim.

Lets also add in all that mumbo jumbo of people taking out loans for houses that they could not afford. If your average income is 10,000 a year I would not reccomend taking out a 100,000 dollar loan. Thats just common sense. Something this country seems to lack.

and now your President wants to seek control over the internet, i'm sure your sick of me, so you can just read it yourself:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What will the President give you for a present?

For once, a media outlet is HAMMERING Obama. Unfortunately not in the way I had hoped. During state dinners with foreign countries, it is traditional that each of the two exchange gifts.

Brown presented Obama with a pen holder crafted from the timbers of the 19th century British warship HMS President (whose sister ship, HMS Resolute, provided the wood for the Oval Office's desk. [Source]

In return, Obama gave him a lovely collection of DVDs. Hes the first Black.. I apologize, African American President, and he is the first President to give home entertainment gifts. I hope they were in Blue Ray High-Def!

I will go on to add that your DARLING President is not being blogged about for the fact that I dislike nearly every aspect of his politics, but the British believe in this thing called RESPECT. A concept that is pretty foreign to many. The British still hold the most high level of respect for the Queen, regardless of her being a tourist attraction. DVDS THO? SERIOUSLY? I mean with all the pork barrel projects that YOU AS AMERICANS WILL BE PAYING FOR [ if you are a politician disregard this statement ] .. he could have atleast added in that gifts for our foreign friends.

But if you are left winger you will cry about this and claim what does this have to do with Obamas Presidency! Outrage! Scandal!
My response? 2.
1. If this was a republican the whole democratic party would be writting apology letters to everyone in England, and rounding up the Media and brainwashing us with how disgusting our President is.
2. Congrats! Our President will be going into the History books as the man who gave the Prime Minister DVDs.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All for socialisim say aye!

This country is becoming a very scary place, very fast. I have learned over the past few weeks that Politicians particularly the ones in Obamas cabinet, just don't have to pay their taxes. I mean.. come on, they do such a wonderful contribution to society. But that doesn't phase people does it ? It is f*cking scary the sh*t people get away with in government. Oh, but when asked.. they are sorry! You know, you got to give them some credit, It was an honest mistake. I mean come on, its hard to remember something that only happens every year, I can totaly see how the matter slipped their mind.

Speaking of honest mistake has anyone been reading about the failing economoy in Mexico? Once the drug lords running the country and corrupting the government final make it hit the shits, say hello to the Juanito family [ I don't give two sh*ts if that offended you] once income is at an absolute low expect the whole mexican community to be anchor baby-ing and hoppin the boarded.

Which leads me to my next issue:
Has anyone actually read about the bailout plan? It is more than a bail out, it is new world order. Obama has done two things [ ill get to the second later] he has created a healthcare czar to promote universal healthcare. give it 10 years and your going to have to go through the czar to get permission for surgery. We are turning into the UK and pretty much becoming Canadas twin sister.
Also, a salary cap on CEO bank execs. Wtf? granted, I know the fustration of them misusing bailout money, and causing this whole economic crash to end. But a salary cap [point 2 of socialisim] ISNT THE POINT OF AMERICA IS TO MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU WANT? IT IS.

I am shaking as I type this, this is how much I am angry.

also [point two of Obama] Your President [ because he certaintly isnt mine ] unconstitutionally took control of the cenus which is suppose to be conducted by an INDEPENDENT BODY outside of the government, and has been handed over to Obamas cabinent members. Do you know what this means? This means his cabinent member has the power to change every district in the U.S, and do you know what that affects? VOTING. Do you know what that does? CREATE MORE DEMOCRATIC COUNTIES. So they always get voted in. Are you kidding me? Are you F*CKING KIDDING ME?


this country is failling into a shithole slowly



Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama Oh-bah-ma

It is no shock to say that my views, for the most part, are Republican. But, I would like to see myself as someone who is fair.

I would also like to see every media station for the expection of Fox news be shut down.

I am lossing my GOD DAMNED mind over this election. Are you kidding me? Do you really want a President who seems to have a problem admitting hes a U.S citizen? That may explain why he won't say the pledge of the country he intends to run. Oh his closet allies? Bill Ayers? are you shitting me? I don't give a two hoots if his a diffrent man now, HE TRIED TO BLOW UP A GOVERNMENT BUILDING. DO YOU REALLY WANT A PRESIDENT THAT SEEKS ADVICE FROM SOMEONE LIKE THAT? This man won't confirm a birth certificate, hell he wont even show us his college transcripts.

Don't even get me going on the financial crisis. I am going to bash the hell out of you Democrats. So please read, I wan't to remind you how much of an idiot you are. Right, lets blame Bush because the economy crashed. It's entirley his fault, I know. I mean he only tried to pass a bill in 2003 that would stop the plethorea of subprime loans that were being handed out to jobless familys. But what did the house do? Reject it. Wan't to know who the house was mainly made up of? Democrats. Democrats stopped the bill, that more than likley would have saved us from this financial shit we are in. If you don't think there is anything wrong with the term "No income verification!" right after the words "Do you need a mortgage?" you should be punched in the face. My God, and again in 2005 McCain suggested we regulate Fannie Mae. He Co-signed the damn bill, "The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005" Google it.. or don't because like every other media broadcast..ITS TOO LEFT WINGED TO EVEN FUNCTION. Honestly the possibility that our possible future president, Obama, may not even be U.S citizen, which by the way folks is against the consitution, MAY BECOME THE PRESIDENT. but no! you don't hear SHIT about that. Oh Another Obama advisor? Franklin Raines. I mean, I am sure he knows alot about housing, because everybody in America has a $7 Million home like he does. $7 Mill? Please, I call that a laundry mat(Idiot note: Sarcasim)
I apologize for going slightly off track, back to my original rant. OH OBAMA. He also worked for a law firm that sued banks for not giving enough subprime loans. Jesus, Obama gets smarter by the smack down. Don't believe me? Google who sued Citibank in 1994.

BUT DO YOU HEAR A DAMN THING ABOUT THAT IN THE L.A TIMES? OR THE BOSTON GLOBE. They claim they are a balanced politcal papers. BULL. You prob. haven't heard two things of what I just told you. But Fox is a racist hate right winger media show isn't it? All because they are unbiased. I mean I am sure they are a buncha Liberal Nazi's I mean they only have Hannity and Colmes. A politcal talk show that is both Liberal and Conservative. Oh, but I guess Bill O'Reily ruins it for all of us. I mean he was viewed as innapropriate for calling out Barney Frank, quick interjection; if your a politican shoulden't you know how to speak properly?, for what he really was, A lien coward.

Obamas campaign made a video advertisment questioning John McCains ability to be a president because he has skin cancer. A politcal group, that we are suppose to take seriously, made a campaign video, attacking a man..with skin cancer. Are you kidding me? But if John McCain made a video that said "Dont vote for Obama he smokes, and hell die." Hed be a racist.

Fuck affirmative action. Im not racist and I would be bashing on John McCain if he pulled half the crap that Obama does.

I find it so ironic too that all of asudden Obamas citizen ship is questioned and his grandmother magicaly gets sick. What a smooth man.

Honestly though, I don't FULLY like either of the candidates, but you can bet your fannie that I will not vote for someone who is a liar and someone who potentially frauded the entire nation of people that supported him.

You liberals crack me up.
and no I won't capitalize the letter "L" in liberal.
You bastards need to earn your Proper Nouns in order for me to hit shift.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So, you hate the President?

I bet your like most Americans and just don't like the President that won the election twice. Sure, he pisses people off whether it be because he wants to tap into phone lines [the FBI dosent want to listen to your phone sex so chill.], sends people to war [who would have thought, the army.. goes to war?], has no problem signing away for execution, Other counties hate us Ex. This[Because foreign votes of hate really matter?]

Yeah so he isn't hippie? F*ck off. Heres a reality check for the world. When shit hits the fan, you best pray you have someone to make sure when you go to sleep at nite your house is not being blown up into an oblivion. Thats right, I feel beyond safe with my current President. Why? Don't mess with him. Sure he can be brutal with his ways, but then again so is the whole concept of the death penalty and war. People need to get over themselves. Do you people[those who think otherwise] HONESTLY believe that when you hear the words "weapons of mass destruction" think that a little scripture from the Bible is going to save the world? Take your head of your ass. Maybe you aren't aware with the mind mentality of who we were/are dealing with, its RADICAL people. No, not average Joes and Janes like you et moi. RADICALS. They want to KILL us. Ever had a Mormon at your door step? I have, and frankly they piss me off with their advertisment. Want to send them to deal with the world? Oh yes, I am sure a little PEACE talk would really do it, hmm?


Life can be wonderful, but reality can be harsh. War isn't easy, nobody wants it. Notice that during the entire history of the United States, with the exception of the Civil war etc, that the only attack by a foreign nations military has been Pearl Harbor? Running a country is not about building a relationship with the world. You want a relationship go check out Eharmony. The point of running a country is to run it right so that when you go to bed at nite you are capable of having a relationship with your other citizens and not worrying about a warzone. When it comes to a country I would much rather be feared than loved. By fear, I don't mean a vile ruthless President, something you would see in Castro or Putin, I literrly mean a person you don't want to f*ck with. Sure make allies, bond if you must, improve social relations, and if the possibility of world peace comes up my heavens go for it! But until the psychological mentality of the world is compatible with eachother, long live nasty descions.

Drifting back into the phone line tappings? Your "privacy" is being invaded? No, shut the hell up. May be old news, but thinkin about it makes me pissed. If the government is listing to my phone call, thats fine with me. The whole point of that idea was to locate terrorist, and the country objects? What the hell. I am pretty sure the FBI graduated from high school and isn't going to interupt the horrible break up you just had via mobile. As for anything else on the phone drug deals, anything illegal etc, etc. Then don't do it, its that simple.