Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama Oh-bah-ma

It is no shock to say that my views, for the most part, are Republican. But, I would like to see myself as someone who is fair.

I would also like to see every media station for the expection of Fox news be shut down.

I am lossing my GOD DAMNED mind over this election. Are you kidding me? Do you really want a President who seems to have a problem admitting hes a U.S citizen? That may explain why he won't say the pledge of the country he intends to run. Oh his closet allies? Bill Ayers? are you shitting me? I don't give a two hoots if his a diffrent man now, HE TRIED TO BLOW UP A GOVERNMENT BUILDING. DO YOU REALLY WANT A PRESIDENT THAT SEEKS ADVICE FROM SOMEONE LIKE THAT? This man won't confirm a birth certificate, hell he wont even show us his college transcripts.

Don't even get me going on the financial crisis. I am going to bash the hell out of you Democrats. So please read, I wan't to remind you how much of an idiot you are. Right, lets blame Bush because the economy crashed. It's entirley his fault, I know. I mean he only tried to pass a bill in 2003 that would stop the plethorea of subprime loans that were being handed out to jobless familys. But what did the house do? Reject it. Wan't to know who the house was mainly made up of? Democrats. Democrats stopped the bill, that more than likley would have saved us from this financial shit we are in. If you don't think there is anything wrong with the term "No income verification!" right after the words "Do you need a mortgage?" you should be punched in the face. My God, and again in 2005 McCain suggested we regulate Fannie Mae. He Co-signed the damn bill, "The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005" Google it.. or don't because like every other media broadcast..ITS TOO LEFT WINGED TO EVEN FUNCTION. Honestly the possibility that our possible future president, Obama, may not even be U.S citizen, which by the way folks is against the consitution, MAY BECOME THE PRESIDENT. but no! you don't hear SHIT about that. Oh Another Obama advisor? Franklin Raines. I mean, I am sure he knows alot about housing, because everybody in America has a $7 Million home like he does. $7 Mill? Please, I call that a laundry mat(Idiot note: Sarcasim)
I apologize for going slightly off track, back to my original rant. OH OBAMA. He also worked for a law firm that sued banks for not giving enough subprime loans. Jesus, Obama gets smarter by the smack down. Don't believe me? Google who sued Citibank in 1994.

BUT DO YOU HEAR A DAMN THING ABOUT THAT IN THE L.A TIMES? OR THE BOSTON GLOBE. They claim they are a balanced politcal papers. BULL. You prob. haven't heard two things of what I just told you. But Fox is a racist hate right winger media show isn't it? All because they are unbiased. I mean I am sure they are a buncha Liberal Nazi's I mean they only have Hannity and Colmes. A politcal talk show that is both Liberal and Conservative. Oh, but I guess Bill O'Reily ruins it for all of us. I mean he was viewed as innapropriate for calling out Barney Frank, quick interjection; if your a politican shoulden't you know how to speak properly?, for what he really was, A lien coward.

Obamas campaign made a video advertisment questioning John McCains ability to be a president because he has skin cancer. A politcal group, that we are suppose to take seriously, made a campaign video, attacking a man..with skin cancer. Are you kidding me? But if John McCain made a video that said "Dont vote for Obama he smokes, and hell die." Hed be a racist.

Fuck affirmative action. Im not racist and I would be bashing on John McCain if he pulled half the crap that Obama does.

I find it so ironic too that all of asudden Obamas citizen ship is questioned and his grandmother magicaly gets sick. What a smooth man.

Honestly though, I don't FULLY like either of the candidates, but you can bet your fannie that I will not vote for someone who is a liar and someone who potentially frauded the entire nation of people that supported him.

You liberals crack me up.
and no I won't capitalize the letter "L" in liberal.
You bastards need to earn your Proper Nouns in order for me to hit shift.

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