Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So, you hate the President?

I bet your like most Americans and just don't like the President that won the election twice. Sure, he pisses people off whether it be because he wants to tap into phone lines [the FBI dosent want to listen to your phone sex so chill.], sends people to war [who would have thought, the army.. goes to war?], has no problem signing away for execution, Other counties hate us Ex. This[Because foreign votes of hate really matter?]

Yeah so he isn't hippie? F*ck off. Heres a reality check for the world. When shit hits the fan, you best pray you have someone to make sure when you go to sleep at nite your house is not being blown up into an oblivion. Thats right, I feel beyond safe with my current President. Why? Don't mess with him. Sure he can be brutal with his ways, but then again so is the whole concept of the death penalty and war. People need to get over themselves. Do you people[those who think otherwise] HONESTLY believe that when you hear the words "weapons of mass destruction" think that a little scripture from the Bible is going to save the world? Take your head of your ass. Maybe you aren't aware with the mind mentality of who we were/are dealing with, its RADICAL people. No, not average Joes and Janes like you et moi. RADICALS. They want to KILL us. Ever had a Mormon at your door step? I have, and frankly they piss me off with their advertisment. Want to send them to deal with the world? Oh yes, I am sure a little PEACE talk would really do it, hmm?


Life can be wonderful, but reality can be harsh. War isn't easy, nobody wants it. Notice that during the entire history of the United States, with the exception of the Civil war etc, that the only attack by a foreign nations military has been Pearl Harbor? Running a country is not about building a relationship with the world. You want a relationship go check out Eharmony. The point of running a country is to run it right so that when you go to bed at nite you are capable of having a relationship with your other citizens and not worrying about a warzone. When it comes to a country I would much rather be feared than loved. By fear, I don't mean a vile ruthless President, something you would see in Castro or Putin, I literrly mean a person you don't want to f*ck with. Sure make allies, bond if you must, improve social relations, and if the possibility of world peace comes up my heavens go for it! But until the psychological mentality of the world is compatible with eachother, long live nasty descions.

Drifting back into the phone line tappings? Your "privacy" is being invaded? No, shut the hell up. May be old news, but thinkin about it makes me pissed. If the government is listing to my phone call, thats fine with me. The whole point of that idea was to locate terrorist, and the country objects? What the hell. I am pretty sure the FBI graduated from high school and isn't going to interupt the horrible break up you just had via mobile. As for anything else on the phone drug deals, anything illegal etc, etc. Then don't do it, its that simple.

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